A summer enrichment program for children grades 1-5
Tuesdays & Thursdays
June 21 – July 28
(6 weeks)
Our Summer Youth Program is designed to build & strengthen self-esteem through fun, interactive and challenging activities. Each activity requires a set of skills for a positive, successful outcome.
The skills we will be focusing on developing & strengthening are: teamwork, leadership, communication, social skills, motivation, personal responsibility. We believe that through participation in this program children will have an increased sense of self identity and self-esteem.
We also know how important it is to keep children’s academic skills sharp during the summer months. We are incorporating exciting activities that require reading, math and spelling into each morning.
There are 4 adult facilitators: 3 female, one male
The following highlights our core activities children will be engaging in each day.
- SET UP FOR SUCCESS! – Children start the day with a check-in, stretching & meditation. This time allows children a special moment to have the spot light. Themes may include show & tell, discussing special family events/vacations or other interesting things they’d like to share about themselves. Stretching & meditation allows the group to rev up the body and quiet the mind.
- MUSIC! – Children will spend an hour being coached by a professional opera singer! She will be coaching the kids in one or two songs engaging each child to make the most of their voice and embrace singing as a personal expression. Children are welcome to come to a Sunday Mass at St. John’s Episcopal Church and show off what they’ve worked on! Date: TBA
- BRAIN BOOSTERS!– Children will spend time keeping a picture journal and writing entries about their experiences. In addition, we will incorporate fun and challenging activities that use math, reading and spelling while children work as a group to accomplish the goal of keeping academic skills fresh! Some activities will include life skills lessons designed to increase self awareness.
- CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS!– all art projects are designed to increase self-esteem through creative self expression that is reflective of their self-identity. Children will gain self awareness through being challenged to better understand emotions, characteristics and influences that personally impact them. Each child will be encouraged to share their project and introduce themselves while the group encourages and supports their vulnerability. There will be a variety of artistic mediums.
- OUTDOOR ADVENTURE! – Children will embark upon daily outings to various local parks. These trips are meant to serve the need for outdoor play, high energy exercise and just simply allow kids to be kids! The time will be unstructured, yet supervised, and fall under the umbrella of having a physical outlet. Children will be expected to follow specified rules of conduct. EACH Thursday the children will go swimming at the Rec Center.
9:00 Circle Up – check in and share as a group
9:15 Stretching & Meditation
9:30 MUSIC! (Tuesday ONLY)
9:45 Brain Boosters
10:15 Snack & Outdoor Play
10:45 Creative Expressions
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Get it together! – slather on sunscreen, use the bathroom, we’re headed out!
1:00 Outdoor Adventure!
3:00 Pick up
3:00-5:00 After hours available – additional $12/day
Camp Nino is a 6 week program on Tuesday & Thursday. We are not accepting daily registration. Spaces are limited to 20 children.
$35/day per child.
To register, please contact Laura Santomauro: 307-690-2153 or Info@BPFjackson.com
Scholarships are awarded on a demonstrated need.
This program is a collaborative effort between Building Phenomenal Families & St. John’s Episcopal Church.